Work for the biggest Carnival in the world !

Earn at least R25 000 per month, or more!

Benefit from the weak Rand Dollar now!

Work for the biggest Carnival in the world !

Work in America, or Canada !

You could fly sooner than you think!

Work in America, or Canada !

Face-to-face interviews, countrywide...

We have secured hundreds of jobs, again!

Face-to-face interviews, countrywide...

Earn big bucks, plus great benefits !

Book your job interview now!

Be smart, let us handle it for you!

Earn big bucks, plus great benefits !

Job Interviews country wide, also near you !

Apply now for 2025 seasonal jobs!

Check us out!

Job Interviews country wide, also near you !

Proudly, Away2Xplore !

We get the job done!

Proudly, Away2Xplore !

Jobs abroad in America or Canada !

Work for the coolest Amusement parks!

Jobs abroad in America or Canada !

Between 19 & 29 and drug free ?

Do you speak English?

Not scared of hard work with long hours ?

Between 19 & 29 and drug free ?

First groups depart sooner than you think !

We pay your Air ticket!

First groups depart sooner than you think !

What they say about their experiences!


April 2011 Hi Hulle het darem Bennie se tas opgespoor. Vat dit vir hom more Alabama toe. Bennie is baie gelukkig daar. Ek het heelwat kontak met hom gehad oor FB die naweek.

Janille Ackerman

September 9 Beste tyd gehad daar! Away2Xplore is voowaar 'n goeie agentskap! Sou nou beslis my linkervoet gee om te kan teruggaan.

Salome Beytell & Nici Coetzee

Salome: Nou net gehoor my seun, Jaco het 'n Midway Stars unit achievers award vir 2011 gekry! Dankie seun ek is so trots op jou. Lief jou, mwah! Nici: My son, Chris got one as well...also very proud of him.

Madelein Welman

May 6, More Rachael, ek is Nicolene Olivier se ma. Wil net vir julle almal van Away 2 Xplore groot dankie sê vir die geleentheid wat jul ons kinders bied en die profesionele manier waarop jul als hanteer.

Retha Jacobs

Away2Xplore het ook baie drome bewaarheid. Dit is 'n agentskap wat onderhoude voer soos enige ander instansie en soms kwalifiseer party en ander nie en soms kwalifiseer party, maar daar is nie genoeg poste nie.

Ninnette Schoeman

DEAREST AWAY2XPLORE MIAMI … CHICAGO ….. NEW ORLEANS ….. NASHVILLE.. 8 STATES IN 8 MONTHS.. The most fascinating thing about the work, is the travelling it entitles you. I’ve seen places most people, young or old, only dream of seeing. I’ve become very independent, and this experience made me a grown up!

Jason Hermanus

Our son Jason Hermanus received an opportunity in a lifetime when he got selected to work at NAME through Away2Xplore. He left on the 6th of March 2011 and will arrive back home to South Africa around the 24th of Nov 2011.

Apply now while positions are still available for 2025!

Apply now


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